STA 447/2006: Stochastic ProcessesWenlong Mou, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto, Winter 2025
DescriptionTime: Wednesdays 6pm – 9pm Office hours: Wed 4:30pm – 5:30pm (Instructor), Tue 9am – 10am (TA) Teaching assistants: Yan Zhang and Marco Antonio GH This is an introductory course for stochastic processes. In this semester, we will discuss stochastic processes with various structures, including (discrete-time) Markov chains, martingales, Brownian motion and Poisson processes. Topics include, but are not limited to, recurrence and convergence of Markov chains, optional stopping and martingale convergence, and basics of stochastic calculus. If time permits, we will also cover applications including Monte Carlo algorithms, random walks on graphs, branching processes, option pricing, queueing theory, and more. See syllabus for details. Announcement
TextbooksDefault textbook
Reference books
Grading2 mid-term exams during classes and a final exam. Raw final grade = max (25% * midterm1 + 25% * midterm2 + 50% * final, 33.3% * midterm1 + 66.7% * final, 33.3% * midterm2 + 66.7% * final, 100% * final) There are no graded homework assignments. However, you are strongly encouraged to attempt the textbook's practice problems to learn the material well. |